Say Something…

A doormat takes the dirt of others and says nothing about it…and it is because they don’t say anything, that they are taken advantage of. A doormat does not place boundaries on others to let them know what is ok and what is not.

While we are commanded to help one another with our burdens (Gal 6:2), each person is supposed to carry their own load (Gal 6:5). When we do not set that boundary and we begin to carry another’s load too, we have just crossed the line of what is healthy, and what is not, in our relationship with that person. If we say nothing about it, then we have just allowed ourselves to become a doormat. No more, Christian! That is not who we are in Christ. 

Let’s talk about the difference between “burdens” and “loads” tomorrow, but leave your comments below on what you think the difference is…

<>< Peace, Diane