NEW Mercies

There’s something special about changing our calendars at the end of the year. It makes us feel like we are starting all over again, with a fresh, new slate. But the Truth is, with God, we can do this every morning! Hear God’s Word…

Today’s verses: Lamentations 3:22-23

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Every morning is like waking up with a clean slate because of God’s compassion, because He pours out His Mercy upon us each day. This doesn’t mean God ignores our sins, but He knows what He created in us. He knows we are going to mess up. He is not looking for perfect little robots, but desires loving, obedient children who learn from their errors and lean on Him so we don’t repeat them. 

It is as we receive His New Mercies every morning, that we can let go of past sins and move forward, acting more and more like Jesus. Let this truth fill you with Hope today!

<>< Peace, Diane