Our Secret Inhabitants

Several months ago, God inspired me to write a really good article about our Microbiome. So as not to simply repeat what I have already written, I am going to leave the link below so you can read it, or if you’d like, you can listen to the audio file attached to the site page, and hear me read it to you.

Here I want to give a simple description of what the Microbiome is, why we have it and some things that affect it, for good or bad. This is developing into such a powerful way to gain optimal health that we might just sit in this topic for a while. What we need to understand is that, unfortunately, conventional medicine is lagging behind all the research being done in this area, so there is not much education being passed on to our medical professionals on what a game changer the Microbiome can be to our health. If we learn to work with our Microbiome, we can diminish, and in many cases eliminate, many diseases way too many people are needlessly suffering with. 

So as always, remember I am not a doctor…although I am a pharmacist…but please use these videos to open your appetite to do your own research, then find a doctor that actually knows something about our Gut Health, and work with him or her to be as healthy as you can be.

<>< Peace, Diane

3-29-21 Health Seekers: Our Secret Inhabitants