3-29-21 Health Seekers: Our Secret Inhabitants

Hi Friends,

     One of the most fascinating aspects of our health that I have, and continue to discover, is our Gut Health. Again this is just an appetizer for you to do your own research, but we must learn how to care for our microbiome because these secret inhabitants can either help us or hurt us. One way of nurturing the right kind of microbes is to make sure our nutrition is as good as possible. You can go back and check out my blogs and videos about nutrition and hydration to get some good tips. (links below) But sadly, way too often, we humans do not eat well and our microbiome becomes completely messed up. This then gives way to some of the issues I will talk about this coming month. When our stomachs become our “gods,” we are headed for trouble. Listen to this wise verse:

“Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.” Php 3:19 NIV

     When our god is our stomach. Paul is talking about our appetites here, the things we desire that are not in line with the good things God wants for us instead. When we bow down to these appetites, they do become like idols to us because they end up controlling us. For instance, since we are talking about our physical health, these desires determine what and how much we eat, instead of us controlling ourselves so we can make healthier choices. These cravings have a power over us that will lead us towards a poor microbiome, and poor overall health, if we are not being mindful. We must learn to use the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) in order to break away from these false “gods of our stomach” so we can nurture our friendly inhabitants. Being aware that this is a power struggle is the first step in being able to control our decisions. The more we lean on God, the more we can make the life choices that will build up these amazing inhabitants. Then they can actually do all the good that God intended for them, as they help us reach optimal health.

     Microbiome. I can remember back in Pharmacy school spending half a second talking about our Normal Flora, as it used to be called. But there was not much information about it, other than to say that we humans normally have microorganisms living on and in us. Yet the thought back then was that “germs” were a bad thing to be eliminated…but that is so not the truth. We need these bacteria, virus, fungus, and even parasites within, in order to live a healthy life. Just think a moment about how incredible God has created us: we are like walking, talking, moving, living planets with these inhabitants helping us to do everything from digesting our foods to regulating our moods. These hidden residents aid in the production of vitamins and enzymes, as well as regulating our immune and hormonal systems. They make neurotransmitters that aid in our mental health. They are involved in every single bodily function we have on a daily basis. The right makeup of this environment is crucial to our health.

     Think of our microbiome as you would any neighborhood. If our neighbors are friendly and we look out for each other, the community is healthy and everyone is glad to live together in peace. But what if we had some neighbors who only thrive when they are causing trouble? It effects the entire district, right? Those “bad guys” seek only to nourish themselves, and moreover, they even destroy those around them. They leave their trash spilling over into the next door’s home. They invite other rabble-rousers into the area. And the result is a neighborhood no one can feel safe in, nor wants to live in either. This is what happens with our microbiome too. For instance, our microbiome can either keep inflammation in check or let it become a chronic problem, depending on the types of microbes we have. If we humans will make the right decisions to cultivate a good environment for the helpers, they will thrive and we will gain great health as a result. But if we choose to fill ourselves with that Standard American Diet, they cannot grow and opportunistic “bad microbes” will gladly move in. This “new” issue of our microbiome can be a game changer for so many of the illnesses that plague our world today. 

     Our secret inhabitants. The more aware we become of how much power God has granted us to change our health, the better choices we can make to work with what God has created, instead of against it. We will spend some time on this topic because it is that important. And I want to know as much as possible so that I can be as healthy as possible. How about You? Then won’t you join me?

     Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.

<>< Peace, Diane

Here are links to my blogs about nutrition and hydration:

Also you can start watching my daily videos called Got A Minute? about nutrition here:

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