5-24-21 Health Seekers: Contentment Brings Relaxation

Hi Friends,

     I know that I have been talking about relaxation from a spiritual and soulful point of view, but this all has physical implications too. What we believe, how we think, feel and want, all influence our bodies. Today let’s talk about another issue that can leave its mark on us in real, tangible ways. Listen:

“But godliness with contentment is great gain.” 1Ti 6:6 NIV

     Contentment leads to a life of relaxation. Have you ever wanted something…I mean really wanted something that you could not have? How did that make you feel? No, I don’t mean soulfully, like sad or dissatisfied. I mean physically? Did you have an upset stomach? Did your muscles feel all tense and achy? Did you have problems falling asleep? As I have said before, everything affects everything else. We cannot separate our spirit from soul from body. If we are completely stressed out about the things happening around us, if we are reacting more than responding, if we are worrying about every detail of life, if we are not trusting God and trying to figure it all out on our own…these things will take its toll out on our bodies too. I know this should be common knowledge, but I have found way too often, people will have a physical symptom but they never seek the root of the problem. Lack of contentment is a huge issue that causes all sorts of negative physical manifestations. We need to look at our level of contentment because, as we grow in Christ, we display our level of godliness by our level of relaxation. Let me explain.

     Godliness grants us contentment. When all is right with my world, it is easy to be “holy” when everything is going my way. I am the most gentle, loving, kind, helpful person when I have no conflicts…but how about when I am presented with challenges? Let’s be honest, this is our situation more often than not…that is, if we allow it to be. If instead we choose to be content with whatever is happening, then we can hold on to our godliness and respond instead of react. We won’t have anything to worry about or figure out because we have done our part and are trusting God to do His. We will not be stressing out but instead, we can remain relaxed, remain at peace, remain joyful. Now don’t misunderstand. Contentment doesn’t mean we are “ok” with whatever is going on. But it does mean that we refuse to fret over it all. It does mean we know God is still in charge and is working it all together for our good. It does mean we have learned the secret of the Abundant Life. Listen to how Paul puts it: I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” (Php 4:12-13 NIV) Being content means we are connected with Jesus and HE is the One who strengthens us to be able to stay in a state of relaxation, no matter what. The only way we can act “holy” is by being with the Holy One and living life with Him, step by step. Because Jesus has taken away our old sinful “gotta have control,” “it’s all about me” nature, we are free to do our part and trust Him to do His…and in the meantime, we relax.

     Contentment is so important. Contentment also doesn’t mean we do not want more, but that we are joyful where we are, on the way to where we are going. Whether this means a new job, a bigger home or to get married, we can CHOOSE to stay content as we do our part to work toward those goals, and trust God to do the part we cannot. Contentment is longing for the child I have lost to an illness, but even as I look forward to our reunion, choosing to do all the good I possibly can in this world first. Contentment does NOT mean you will have everything YOU want here, but it does mean you trust in the God Who loves you beyond our ability to understand. It does mean understanding that this world is not the end of the story. It does mean choosing to live a life full of peace and joy and righteousness in the Holy Spirit. Contentment is at the core of having relaxation…and your body will display the results of your choice by being healthier than it ever was before. The tension will be gone. The aches and pains will lessen. And you will be able to sleep soundly, as you rest in His loving arms. If you are experiencing any physical issues, won’t you stop and have a long serious talk with God first? Let Him show you your level of contentment…or lack thereof…and let this Divine Physician heal your heart, soul and body by helping you to choose to trust Him. 

     Physical manifestations. Last year, I went through months of an illness no doctor could pinpoint. I had real physical symptoms like weakness and fatigue and pain and I could hardly walk upright at times because of it all. Like most people, I focused on the physical and thought little about what was happening to me in my soul and spirit. But when I had gone to many doctors and done many tests, I realized, these symptoms are resulting from a lack of contentment because of all the craziness that was going on in the world, as well as in my private life. I remembered where true contentment comes from, my Lord and my Savior Who will never leave me nor forsake me. So I did my part and changed my nutrition like I knew I had to. But then I turned to our Divine Physician, and trusted Him to do His part. And as He healed me from all those physical signs, the greater amount of relaxation, peace and joy in my life now is priceless. Do you want that? Then won’t you join me?  

Until we meet again, keep lifting your eyes to God, He’s closer than you think.

<>< Peace, Diane