What’s the Rush?

Like we said yesterday, we need to learn to add margins in our day so that we are not rushing around. The truth is we put way too many things on our “To-Do” list, and when we have so many things…and most of the time it is just unrealistic to think we can do them all…we feel like we are rushed. And when we feel rushed, we get stressed out. So what we need to do is learn to manage our schedule, our “To-Do” lists, our time. 

On most days, we should have 2 or 3 major things that must get done during that day. Then we can add a handful of things we would like to get done also. But then we cannot forget to, on purpose, schedule some “off time.” This is time when we are doing something just for fun, like maybe going for a walk with our family, or sipping a warm cup of coffee as the morning starts, or maybe even sitting with a good book. (I have a great one I can recommend, wink, wick). These should add life to your life. These should help you relax and de-stress. These should help you have peace and joy. Remember this must be done ON PURPOSE! Whatever “these” things are, the point is to add margins in our day and control what we put on our schedules.

We do need to learn to stop and ask ourselves, “What’s the rush?” Let’s choose to enjoy every day by bringing God into our life, looking out for the needs of others around us, but then schedule in some time that’s just for fun. The more we do this, the less our stress during the day, and hopefully, the better our sleep at night. 

<>< Peace, Diane