Budget Everything

We are talking about de-stressing our day, so that we can have a more restful sleep at night. One of the ways we can do this is by thinking “budget.” We sort of talked about budgeting our time with the idea of leaving margins and not being rushed in our daily schedules. We can also budget our calories throughout the day so we do not overeat, and can stay within a healthy weight range. But of course, we all should budget our finances as well. We will get to all the details when I start talking about the Ripple I call “Effective Finances,” but for today, please understand that we must live within healthy boundaries, and this includes our finances too.

As I have heard a famous spokesperson say, budgets are NOT meant to deprive us, but instead, they make it possible for us to tell every dollar where it must go. Budgets relieve stress from our lives because we are making sure that our income matches our outcome. We have the ability to control our money by writing down how much money is coming in for the month and how much we need to pay out for the month. With everything spelled out this way, we can stay within those boundaries throughout the month by not spending any more than we bring in. We can even budget some “mad money” for us to use for entertainment purposes or to buy that outfit that’s on sale or even to enjoy an occasional ice cream cone. Whatever we want to use it for, we can because it is in the budget, but first we must make sure all our obligations are taken care of…and this alone will take away loads of stress from our lives. 

Budgets that we actually follow are a huge way to de-stress in the day, so we can sleep better at night.

<>< Peace, Diane