Our Microbiome & Pesticides

Today I want to return to the foods that we eat, but I want to take a slightly different angle on this topic because some, ok a lot of the foods we eat, are contaminated. This is way too much information to talk about in the 1-2 minutes I have your attention, so let’s focus on pesticides today, shall we? My Friends, if you have any doubts about the health benefits of…

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Our Microbiome & Smoking

As if we needed more reasons to not smoke, the toxic chemicals from this toxic product will mess up your microbiome too. Not only do those chemicals change the gut microbes, but also the oral and lung ecosystems too. While further studies must be done to understand exactly how smoking affects our Microbiome, what they have found is that smoking…

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It’s a Needed Habit

Making activity a daily part of your life can increase the diversity of our Gut Microbiome, as well as encourage the production of the Short Chain Fatty Acids we talked about yesterday. When we are more…

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Microbiome Thrives with High Fiber

This week let’s talk about some things that affect our Microbiome. Today let’s discuss the one I mentioned last week and that is our Diet. Now this might sound familiar because we spent quite some time several months ago talking about nutrition and one of the issues we discussed was…

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