Cascade of Life

Let me point our attention once again to one of my favorite Old Testament verses, Deuteronomy 30:19, where God is talking about choosing life or death, with the corresponding results of blessings or curses. These choices are certainly made in the soul, but they are…

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It’s a Soul Thing

We cannot talk about our nutritional health without at least taking a moment to discuss our soul health too. Our soul is our mind, emotions and will, or in other words, it is our thinker, feeler and chooser. It is here where our mental and emotional health can play a big part in…

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We Need Both

It is very interesting to me that Jesus is not only the Bread of Life, but also our Living Water. This is symbolic for our physical health too. We need both to be healthy. Check out my blog in the link below where I…

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High Water Content

While I still encourage you to drink as much fluids as you can, another way to get some water in your body is to EAT your water. I know this sounds strange, but there are so many fruits and vegetables with such a high water content that you…

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Double It Up

The benefits of being well hydrated will effect every part of your body and soul. Not only will you feel better physically, not only will things flow through your system better, not only will you be more energetic, but your…

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Unusal Symptoms

Humans are made up of roughly 70% water, so when we are dehydrated, it can effect every system in our body. From our skin to our gastrointestinal tract, lacking sufficient amounts of water can cause all sorts of symptoms and bring on all sorts of ailments. Here’s a symptom we do not usually associate with dehydration: hunger. Next time you…

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