We should aim to get all our nutrients from God made ingredients. This is not only true about fiber, but of course, it holds for our vitamins and minerals too. Rather than just taking supplements, eating as close to what God created as possible, naturally provides us with all the necessary vitamins and minerals we need to be as healthy as possible. The issue is that all these healthy nutrients work best in conjunction with one another in the vessel that God made. If we just take…
Fiber is so very important for our health. It not only keeps our digestive tract on track, but it also can help us maintain a healthy weight, regulate our blood sugar, prevent heart disease and keep certain cancers away, among other things. The best way to get both soluble and insoluble fiber in our diets is from fruits and vegetables. And the more diverse amounts of these we eat, the more…
We are talking about good habits for optimal health and learning to NOT drink sugar is certainly a major one. There are so many “drinks” on the market that are basically just sugar water. The sodas, fruit juices and pre-made iced teas, for instance, are so filled with various carbohydrates (sugar), that they not only have little to no health benefits, but they can actually…
Nutrition and hydration. I would like us to focus on the first two pillars for the next couple of weeks because they are so vital for our physical health. We could probably spend months on this, but I want to share with you some tips to help you now, and hopefully, get you…
For the next couple of weeks I would like to talk about the second “ripple” that God taught me which I call Health Seekers. There are at least seven pillars to our physical health. They are…
Hi Friends,
God created our amazing bodies with muscles and joints that are meant to move. And that old saying, “use it or lose it,” certainly applies to these awesome parts of our bodies as well. If you do not move your muscles, they will get smaller, lose their strength and not be able to do what they were meant to do, like keeping our balance when we are walking, for instance. Similarly, if we do not…
Please listen closely to what I am about to say. The life choices we are going to start discussing, these simple things we can implement into our lives to be as healthy as we possibly can, are not a matter of Salvation. We cannot “lose” Heaven because we…