We’ve been talking about perspective and how, when our focus is on God, we can have peace and joy no matter what is going on around us. This is HOW …
So I am supposed to talk about the all important topic of spiritual growth this week…but little did I know…
Hi Friends,
We’re talking about our “eyes” this month and how our perspective makes all the difference in how we live our lives. Whether we view life through…
Our perspective makes all the difference. And the more we mature in Christ, becoming like Him, the more our perspective will…
Romans 8:28 is my number one Go-To verse. It has gotten me through so many hard trials and continues to inspire and empower me to keep…
God can use the exact same event to teach us where our perspective still lies. The same event can be good OR bad, depending on how we…
I know a lot of people who never liked taking tests in school. But tests were required so that we can know how much we…