Using the Debt Snowball can help us gain momentum in getting out of debt as quickly as possible. I point you to my article explaining how it works, link is below. As we cross off each debt, we gain a sense of accomplishment that increases our self-esteem. It really does make us feel…
Being aware is such a vital part of the Christian walk. We must be aware of what we are thinking, feeling and wanting so that we can filter what is good vs what may not be. If we are not focused, trouble can come without us realizing it…and this is true about our finances also. You see the problem with credit cards is…
Another thing our forefathers used to do is use cash! Is this becoming a lost art? Gosh, I hope not! You see, using cash to buy things in our budget like gasoline, groceries, getting our hair cut and having some mad money, has actually made a huge difference in our finances. Before we…
“I want it now!” This seems to be the mentality with our current culture, doesn’t it? We do not want to wait for anything, but look for that immediate satisfaction instead. But we can…
Last week, we talked about the importance of saving money for the unexpected, for big known expenses and for future things like retirement and college. We will back up this week to discuss Baby Step 2, which is becoming Debt Free. If we…
It is plain wisdom not to spend every single penny we make, for right here and right now. Thinking about future needs, and preparing ways to pay for them ahead of time, certainly adds to…
For those of us with children, being able to help out with their higher education costs is a wonderful privilege that should not be taken for granted. It is not selfish at all to make sure we are taking care of our retirement first, because…