Today we move on to “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Mr Keller tells us that sheep must be free from all disturbing influences in order for them to lie down and rest. He says, “It is significant that…
Mr Keller talks about most Christians as not being content with the Lord’s control. He says, “They are somewhat dissatisfied, always feeling that somehow the grass beyond the fence must be a little greener. These are…
The next part of this wonderful Psalm 23 we will tackle is “I shall not be in want.” Most people will take this as saying we will have everything we want to live a comfortable and pleasurable, easy life here when…
Mr Keller says that God knew there was a risk when He created man in His Image. God knew we could very possibly deny His ownership over us and turn way from Him. Well, of course, this is exactly…
Jesus is our Good Shepherd and we are His self-absorbed, wayward, yet highly loved sheep. Mr Keller notes when talking about David who wrote Psalm 23: “After all, he knew from firsthand experience that…
If you happen to not be familiar with the amazing Psalm 23, please take a moment today to look it up and read it slowly. Each chapter of this wonderful book breaks down this song from David by…
Our next book was introduced to me by a good friend and Sister-in-Christ. It focuses on the great Psalm 23 and expands our understanding of what David had in mind as he…