All vegetation starts out as seeds. As I said earlier this week, if we plant corn, then corn is what we will get. If we think death thoughts, then death is what we will get. But if we learn to be…
So if we claim to be a New Creation in Christ, we must become more and more aware of the words that are in our minds, as well as those coming out of our mouths. Both the inner words and outer ones can…
What do we do with this phrase, “those who love it”? I mean who loves death, right? Yet let me ask you: have you ever been with someone who loves to talk about negative things? Controversies excite them. Quarreling makes them feel…
When God speaks, things happen according to what He says. So I asked yesterday, “Does what we say happen too?” Again I am not talking about prosperity preaching that claims, “If you say it it will come to pass!” That’s not godly AT ALL. What I mean here is…
The power of words. How did God create? He spoke. “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” (Gen 1:3) Can you see how powerful words are? There was nothing, and a great void of nothing, until God…
Let’s stay in the Book of Proverbs this week as we talk about one of the major ways we can tell WHO we still think we are. As we said last week, if we focus on our identity IN Christ, then we can…
So WHO are we in Christ? Oh my Friends, if you have surrendered your life to Jesus as Savior and Lord, please hear this and let it filter down deep into your heart: you are…