Wouldn’t life be so much more fulfilling and rewarding if we would be set free from the things that continue to pull us down? Things that we are still a slave to, like the…
There are so many of us Christians who continue to suffer with one addiction or another. Yet have we been set free or not? If we will trust WHO God says we are, then we are, NOW, already set free from…
Guard your heart…in other words, know WHO you are in Christ. If we are willing to believe what God says about us, that in Christ we are a…
I am trying to take this as slowly as I can this week because it is powerful, but please understand, the enemy will fight hard to keep…
So when the Bible talks about our “heart,” It is not talking about our beating organ. Instead, it refers to the core of who we are, or our Identity. As we said yesterday, apart from Christ, our identity is a…
Let’s go to the wonderful Book of Proverbs this week to delve deeper into this topic of the difference between our WHO and our DO. So WHO we are is our…
In Christ Jesus! We are IN Christ, that is, we have surrender our life to Him as Savior and Lord. Savior is when the Holy Spirit…