So once we are sincerely born again, we enter into this second calling, Sanctification. I mean this makes sense, doesn’t it? Think about a baby that is newly born. He automatically enters into…
So the way we begin to act like this New Creation in Christ that we now are, is the same way we got rid of the air from that cup yesterday. We increase Jesus within and the old MMI person we were…
So deep in our hearts, because our spirit has already been transformed from death to Life, we sincerely WANT to do the right things, but as I said yesterday, we lack the strength to change, because we are still…
So if this Eternal Life we have been given begins with Jesus, then we must learn to begin everything we think, say and do with Jesus also. Jesus must increase in our…
Order matters, my Friends. If we put the first thing second, we may get the whole thing wrong! What do I mean? Well, I said yesterday that I think the reason…
So I talk a lot about growing in Christ because I deeply believe that transformation is the whole point to this Christian walk. At Salvation, God transforms us from…
Choosing what “I think, I feel, I want” is a death choice, but choosing to seek God and what He thinks, feels and wants leads to Life. So as I prayed about…