So we can still earn death symptoms once we are born again, but unlike those who do not belong to Jesus, we can…
So let’s say we have received Jesus as Lord, we are born again and Eternal Life is now ours. We even have started reading the Bible, our owner’s manual on how to live this New Life, BTW. While the Bible is all about…
So how does this free gift become ours, now and forevermore? We receive it, but receiving is not a passive thing. Let’s go back to that example of my birthday from the other day. So I’m having this party and a friend…
Salvation does come at a very precious cost, but praise God by His Grace, we are not the ones who had to pay for it, nor could we. Because God so loves us, He sent Jesus to do what we…
We all love it when we get free stuff, right? Well what can be better than the free gift of Eternal Life? Here’s our verse for the week, from the amazing Book of Romans…
My Friends, once we belong to Jesus and begin to live this Abundant Life He offers, others will notice, and hopefully, we will leave a lasting impact on them. Whether this means…
It is one thing to have life, but it is a whole other story to have it abundantly. The moment you were conceived in your mother’s womb, you had life. Your cells began to…