The Ripple Effect

Happy Re-birth day to me! Today marks the 21st year since I became born again. Unlike many, I can remember the exact date my heart finally surrendered to Jesus as Lord and Savior, because it was the exact day that my precious Baby Girl fell into what would be the first coma. When the doctors lifted up their hands in surrender because they had no more answers, by God’s Grace, I fell on my knees in surrender to my God Creator Who is the only true Answer! This began a rollercoaster of a ride that continues to bring me through so much heartache, as well as exponentially increase my peace and joy. Some ask me how do I know God is real? My answer is simply: I am not the same me I used to be! God makes all the difference, even if my circumstances do not seem to change. 

It is because of this amazing relationship that I continue to learn and implement God’s Order in my own life. And every time I do, I can sense a deeper filling of His love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Yes, the Fruit of the Spirit grows in me as I read, study and implement His Word, and my life becomes more and more abundant. 

My Friends, you want to have a more loving, peaceful and joyful marriage? Do you want to keep your patience, show kindness and teach goodness to your children? Do you want to go out into this lost world and be filled with Faith, display a sweet gentle temperament, and keep yourself under control? Then we have to start with our connection to God, and let the Holy Spirit grow His Fruit within us, then allow it to ripple out from us to others. This is how we have, enjoy and share God’s Plan for a solid family foundation. Choose to have an amazing Sunday…I’ll see you tomorrow…

<>< Peace, Diane

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