It Is the Why Obedience Obeys

The more we understand none of it is ours anyway, the more obedient we will naturally become towards being compassionately generous towards others, as well as tithing towards God’s Kingdom. Obedience with our finances also helps kill one of the worst symptoms of…

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Compassion Is Compassionate

A huge aspect to compassion is be concerned for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Jesus Himself said, “You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.” (Jn 12:8) In addition to what Jesus literally meant…

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This Is a Test

Today we start talking about what I call “Effective Finances.” I call it “effective” because every time we follow God’s Plan, it should have a good effect on us, and hopefully, everyone around us too. But then again, this is…

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