The change starts at home, but then let it ripple out into the world around us. Not everyone will be given a worldwide pulpit, but we don’t…
Grounded in God’s Word, we CAN have the solid foundation that leads to a healthy marriage and a united family. How? We let…
United we stand. This is part of God’s Order too, did you know that? Dad’s and Mom’s, we have to stand together as one. Because if we don’t and we allow our children to divide us, what happens? Chaos. Yes, the whole family senses the…
When you build a home, can you start with the walls and roof first? Not if you actually want a livable home, right!? No, we always must start with a…
Recall my Seven Ripples of Life? We already have been transitioning from Affectionately Yours, where the focus is on marriage, to Balanced Parenting by speaking about families also. For many it is difficult to…
Let’s tie this all together because it may seem that I have been all over the place this week, but there is a purpose to it. So first, we talked about how the enemy is doing his worst to destroy everything God has created to be good, and he especially…
Like money, with every choice we make, we can either be wasting life, spending life or investing life. When we choose to only and primarily please Self, then that’s all we get, that moment of…