So in addition to obesity, another illness we can develop if our eating is out of control due to improper sleep is, of course, diabetes. Lack of sleep not only worsens our blood sugar metabolism, but that can increase our insulin resistance too, leading to diabetes. And if that wasn’t enough, like I said yesterday, bad sleep hygiene messes with our…
A good night’s rest not only cleanses our brain, but helps us think more clearly too. I love how Dr Charles Stanley teaches that we should never make any important decisions when we are…
God knows what He’s doing. Sleep is for so much more than just consolidating our memories. As we sleep, God repairs our bodies too. For instance, with our Microbiome, as we rest from eating, because we are sleeping, the microbes in our Gut have the opportunity to…
We all know how proper nutrition, hydration and activity really are so very important for our health, but the topic for this week is often under appreciated and overlooked. We are going to go from “just move” to “just sleep”! The average person is getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night and that is just not enough to…
We all know how vital it is to lead an active life, but just in case you need more convincing, moving also helps our soulful health too. In addition to the brain benefits I mentioned yesterday, we also all know how much better we feel when we are more active. This is simply because our activity helps release good hormones and…
The more we understand how being active blesses every part of our bodies, as well as our spirit and soul, the more likely we are to just move. Here is a list of our 12 systems and one or two benefits we experience by being more active…
Won’t you celebrate with me today because this video marks the 250th “Got A Minute?” I have made!!! I sure do hope they are being a blessing to you…if they are, will you bless me by sharing them with everyone you know? Thank you so much for joining me on this journey! And now back to our topic of how being active blesses every part of us….