No Greater Purpose

Balanced Parenting is the next “ripple” and what greater purpose is there than to help the next generation become good people who love God with all they’ve got and love their neighbor as they love themselves. To be able to influence those who will become tomorrow’s leaders is both an honor and a big responsibility. Of course, just because we are parents certainly does not mean…

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Intimacy Means Becoming One

The third area of our lives God desires to make holy is our second most intimate relationship and I call this “ripple” Affectionately Yours. The first, of course, is with God, since He knows us better than we know ourselves. But our relationship with our spouse is supposed to be so close that we…

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Second Most Important Area of Life

The second “ripple” is all about our physical bodies. I call it Health Seekers and it is the second most important thing we must take care of in this world. The first, of course, is our relationship with our Lord, but if we truly want to glorify God, then we must seek to…

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Seven Ripples of Life

I would like to share with you this week something the Lord showed me a long time ago. I call it the Seven Ripples of Life. Just like when a rock falls into water and causes ripples to go outward, so too Jesus, who is The Rock, causes…

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He Always Cares

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a bad spot, just feeling all negative and focusing on my struggles and challenges. Right in the middle of church service, the Pastor was preaching his heart out, reminding all of us how much God cares about us, when I began complaining to the Holy Spirit. I moaned, “It sure doesn’t feel like You care about me at all, Lord! There are so many things that have happened in my life that have broken my heart. I wanted one thing, but You gave me the complete opposite!” I quickly became convicted in my heart when…

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Choices Bring Consequences

Today, let’s think about the words demand versus command. Please never forget that the Bible is filled with God’s commands, not suggestions. He wants for every human to follow His Will because it is what will be best for us, even when it is difficult. Yet as we said yesterday, because He is a God of Love, He does not force us to choose His Way over any other. This is the same idea here. God never demands we choose His commands! But please never mistake…

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Free Offering

Today, let’s think about the words, oppression versus offering. God is our All Powerful Father Who doesn’t want anyone to be condemned. When we surrender our lives to Jesus, we are given the gifts of righteousness, holiness and Eternal Life. Along with that is…

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