Forgiving Offers US Freedom

…as we forgive those who sin against us…The truth is we are all broken, and whether we do so intentionally or not, we will hurt one another. This requires that we are ready to forgive others when they sin against us. We are actually praying that…

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We Are Not There Yet

…and forgive us our sins…Praise God we are not who we used to be, but we are still children growing into who we will be forevermore. Children of God are still growing, learning, maturing and yes, still messing up too. We are no longer…

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Everything We Need

…our daily bread…Jesus is talking about so much more than just food here, my Friends. Whatever it is we need for that day, for that moment, for that decision we must make, God desires to…

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Give Us THIS Day

give us this day…just like in the wilderness with the Israelites and Manna, God gives His people exactly what we need each and every day. He does not give us too much, least we…

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Being Like the Angels

Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven… Angels do not question God’s Authority nor His intentions. They know that His Will is for their best, as well as the best of everyone else. As we pray this beautiful prayer, we are asking God to…

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The Only Good Fear

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name…this word “hallowed” is unfamiliar to us, but it is so important. Often the Bible talks about God being, not one or two “Holy’s,” but rather…

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