Another area of life where this “it’s not about ME” mentality is a must, is in our finances. Understanding that nothing belongs to us, that it is all a gift from God, should humble us to be more and more…
Not only do we desperately need to teach this lesson to our children as I said last week, but my goodness we must model it in front of them too! Children often learn more by what they…
One of our goals must get to the point in life where we take into account others as we are making whatever decisions we must make in life. And the marriage is certainly a great place to…
The more we begin to grasp this truth, it’s not about “ME,” the more freedom we can experience in life. For instance, instead of trying to be perfect all the time- which by the way is…
We will begin the transition to Effective Finances as we learn how to handle the gifts of money God’s way, but before we dig in, let me emphasize what I ended with yesterday: it really is not about “ME”! If life were just…
There are things we should allow our children to choose, but in the end, we must have the last say. Parents are supposed to parents, we are NOT their BFF’s. When we allow…
Sometimes we parents think it is our job to fix every problem our children are experiencing, but this may not true. Many times, all our children need is an ear. To be heard is one of…