One Definition

What is the definition of marriage? Both in the Old Testament and the New, God defines marriage this way: “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”…

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Marriage is for Everyone to Honor

So we are finally getting to the next Ripple after being in the Health Seekers area for the last 6 months. The reason why we spent all that time talking about the various parts of our physical, as well as touching on our mental and emotional health, is that, in order to…

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Change Your Vision

I could talk about the chemicals emitted from our couches, carpets, mattresses and so on and so on, but I hope you get the message. Chemicals are all around us and, while we will never be 100% free of them, the more we…

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Change Your Hand Sanitizing

So the problem with all these chemicals we put on our bodies is not only that they absorb through our skin and go into our bloodstream, but they also affect our Microbiome in negative ways. One that is commonly used, especially now, is…

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