Easy, comfortable and pleasurable. These are the three things our old, fallen nature seek after. But let’s be honest, chips, chocolate and cookies, these do taste good and give us a jolt of pleasure…but of course, eating them way too often is…
Familiar things bring us comfort. For example, we do not like conflicts because they are uncomfortable. But the truth is, in this life, we are always going to have conflicts, especially if you are a Christian, and we need to know…
Oh my, how we humans love whatever is easy! It is so much easier for me to sit on the couch all day instead of getting up and going for a hike…but of course that is NOT what is best for me, is it? I am getting a little convicted as I am making these videos on achieving optimal health, but conviction is…
Before we move on to the next pillar of physical health called Microbiome, I want us to spend some time this week wrestling with a question. For many weeks now, we have been discussing nutrition, hydration, being active and getting better sleep. And I hope I have…
One of the best ways to de-stress your day, is to go pray. Even if you are in bed but you just can’t sleep, get up and pray. Open up God’s Word, interact with Him, and let Him melt away all of that stress. Ask Him to…
We are talking about de-stressing our day, so that we can have a more restful sleep at night. One of the ways we can do this is by thinking “budget.” We sort of talked about budgeting our time with the idea of leaving margins and not being rushed in our daily schedules. We can also…
Like we said yesterday, we need to learn to add margins in our day so that we are not rushing around. The truth is we put way too many things on our “To-Do” list, and when we have so many things…and most of the time it is just unrealistic to think we can do them all…we feel…