The best way to be able to utilize all the great features on this FREE app is simply to download it and dig in. Hope it’s as much a blessing to you as it continues to be for me….
Reading for knowledge should naturally lead us to study for understanding. As I said yesterday, the Holy Spirit is THE Teacher and we should always pray before we begin delving deeper into understanding His Word. It is His “job” and great pleasure to…
We read the Bible to gain knowledge and study to begin to have understanding. As we read the Bible, please understand you are not reading alone. The first (and greatest) “resource” I want to share is The Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is The Teacher and He wants to…
We read to gain knowledge of the many different events of the Bible and all the various people of the Bible, as well as to see how God responds to each and every situation that happens. Since God never changes- He is the same today, tomorrow and forever- the way He…
I started by confessing to you that I still have hard days…I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t. The truth is life is hard…but apart from God, apart from knowing Who He is and receiving His Love, life is impossible. But praise God that He is in the business of …
The rest of the New Testament: God the Holy Spirit, pouring out His Power on humans so we can live the righteous life. God continues to reveal Himself to us by…
New Testament Gospels: God the Son pours out His Life for creation, revealing Himself to humans by being raised up on the Cross and paying the sin debt we humans could never pay. God gives us…