My Path

As we engage with the Bible, we can have confidence that our lives here will be abundant. This is what Jesus promises in John 10:10, right? He has come so we may…

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The Light

If we think of the Lamp as illuminating our current life, the Light then helps us see more of the path ahead of us too. While the Bible can show us clearly where we are right now, Scripture also…

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My Feet 

To walk in God’s Will, means to obey His Plan for our lives. Sometimes we children of God think we know where He is leading us, but if we step out ahead of Him, we can get ourselves into all sorts of trouble. Thus the Bible is a…

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In the Beginning

It has been over 22 years since I surrendered my life to Jesus. And while I would love to say that my life since then has been filled with rainbows and little unicorns flying over my head…that’s just not reality. This side of Heaven, we will…

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