Unlike what some of these social media sites would have us think, no one has 500 friends! Listen: Every friendship is a…
The term I am thinking about is “tough love.” In a world which is misunderstanding what love is all about, we must return to the Bible to get the real definition of godly love. Love does…
Nice is telling others what they want to hear. Kind is telling them what they need to hear. There is a huge difference between the two. With being nice, you are not…
Once we are His children, we can learn to enjoy every type of relationship we have throughout life, more and more. Remember, we are like sand paper to one another…but this is not meant to…
I said a couple of weeks ago that the whole point to life is to love and be loved. But because we are all born into this world selfish and prideful, God uses relationships to…
When we must end a relationship for whatever reason, it often can leave us in a state of feeling unsettled. By God’s Grace, we can “move on” with life, but perhaps deep within, we…
Sometimes we have really good and healthy relationships with someone, but it does not last for a whole lifetime. The saying is that, those friends are only in our lives “for a season.” We love them dearly, and hopefully, they love us back, but then we each move on to our…