Procreation is definitely not the only purpose for sex, but it is a pretty big one, right? Humanity would not be here if it was not for the act of sex. In God’s Infinite Wisdom, He created this sacred activity so that we could…
Remember what we said last week, Church, we are supposed to be holy, which means different. Different than this fallen, lost world, for sure, but even different than who we used…
What sets us free, my Friends? The Truth, and the Truth alone, will set you free. In this world that is living by what “I feel,” which is constantly changing, we must be…
As we delve into “The Talk,” I want to spend today distinguishing between feelings and Truth. I hope you have noticed that our feelings are…
As we continue the transition from marriage to parenting, we can’t forget how our babies are actually made. So this week let’s have “The Talk” and see what…
Happy Re-birth day to me! Today marks the 21st year since I became born again. Unlike many, I can remember the exact date my heart finally surrendered to Jesus as Lord and Savior, because it was the exact day that…
It’s all about the Fruit. That is what makes us different! As Scripture says, you and I were never meant to produce the Fruit…after all, it is called the Fruit of the Spirit, not the fruit of…